最近朋友開了一間拉麵店,身為一個吃貨部落客的我一定要來好好的介紹一下,主打特色又是一晚挑戰視覺感受的藍色拉麵,沒錯!就是『藍色拉麵』,說真的在柬埔寨很少會有專門的拉麵店,但不知道該說老闆霸氣,還是嫌麻煩,他的菜品不像其他日本料理店,那麼琳瑯滿目,或是選得頭昏眼花,這間Ramen Sina 西娜基本上,不會有太多的選擇,反正老闆的宗旨就是,客人能快點選完、快點吃完、快點走人,一切從簡單開始做起.就讓我好好來介紹一下這間獨特的Ramen Sina 西娜吧!
Recently, a friend opened a ramen restaurant, and as a food blogger, I must introduce it properly. The restaurant’s signature dish is the visually stunning blue ramen, which challenges your senses and is definitely worth trying. To be honest, there are not many ramen restaurants in Cambodia, but I don’t know whether to call the owner confident or lazy because the menu at Ramen Sina is not as extensive as other Japanese restaurants. The owner’s philosophy is simple: customers should be able to order quickly, eat quickly, and leave quickly. So let me introduce this unique Ramen Sina in more detail.
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Ramen Sina 西娜地點與座位
這一間Ramen Sina 西娜位在柬埔寨金邊BKK市區的黃金地帶,但我也不知道是老闆故意的,還是就是那麼剛好的開在兩間日本餐廳的對面,簡單說!一條街上有三間餐廳,這三間還都是日本餐廳,這真的是很神奇,但老闆也是很佛系的說,就是撿他們兩間餐廳剩下來的客人,可見有多佛系了,而且門店的招牌,也沒有過多的裝飾或是招牌,就簡單的『 Sina 西娜 』,這樣而已,可見老闆有多不想接客人,而且很多客人來詢問實際地址,老闆也直說『直接搜尋YaKiToRi LaB 就行了,我的店就在對面了』,我也很想說~老闆也真的是很不想接客人 哈
Ramen Sina is located in the prime area of BKK in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, but I’m not sure if it was intentional or just a coincidence that it’s located across two other Japanese restaurants. It’s quite miraculous that three Japanese restaurants are located on the same street. The owner, however, is very laid-back and sees it as an opportunity to attract the customers who couldn’t get into the other two restaurants. The restaurant sign is also very simple, just the words “Sina” in a plain font, indicating the owner’s reluctance to attract too much attention. When customers ask for the exact location, the owner simply says, “Just search for YaKiToRi LaB, my restaurant is across the street.” It’s clear that the owner is not interested in entertaining customers. haha
The interior of the restaurant features a bar design with simple seating arrangements. As soon as you enter, you can see everything, including the kitchen. It’s clear that the owner didn’t have much money to spend on decorations and simply went for an open-layout design. There are only around 12 seats available, so the restaurant can’t accommodate more than 12 people at a time. There are basic utensils and cups on the table, and because there are few staff members, customers have to pour their own water. However, I think it’s okay for the owner to focus on the food rather than the service.
Ramen Sina 西娜餐點介紹
Now let’s talk about the food. I want to make it clear that although the owner is my friend, I truly believe the food is delicious. The limited menu allows the restaurant to focus on certain dishes, which is often a good thing. Too many options can sometimes lead to a lack of focus and quality. In the end, the most important thing is that the food tastes good.
The photos I’m sharing are just like the menu, which is different from my usual style. Yes, I took a photo of each dish separately for the menu, so the style is quite different. The owner is very casual and values authenticity, so he doesn’t want any extra processing or styling for the photos. He likes things to be as natural and simple as possible.
先來說說主打項目的拉麵好了,他們家就只有三種口味的拉麵,不多也不少,就是三碗的選項 鹽味翠雞 、豚骨叉燒、醬油雞湯,先推出來的是豚骨叉燒拉麵,老闆為了與其他人不同,另外也強調要讓人吃飽再走的理念,在看似基本的豚骨叉燒拉麵中,另外加上他精心滷製的控肉,可見這份量有多麽澎湃,光是這控肉的顏色,就讓我快招架不住了,咬下去基本上就是軟爛到化開,非常的入味.
Let’s start with the restaurant’s signature dish: ramen. There are only three types of ramen available on the menu, which is neither too few nor too many: Shio Tsui Ji (salted chicken), Tonkotsu Chashu (pork bone with grilled pork), and Shoyu Tsukemen (soy sauce chicken soup). The first one introduced was the Tonkotsu Chashu Ramen. To stand out from others, the owner added his carefully braised pork belly to the seemingly basic dish, making it more substantial. The color of the pork belly is so enticing that I couldn’t resist taking a bite. It’s so tender that it almost melts in your mouth and is very flavorful.
The noodles used in the ramen are not like regular yellow noodles. They are authentic ramen noodles, which I personally prefer to be slightly harder. The firmness of the noodles can also be customized, with three options: hard, normal, or soft.
As for the soup, it’s very rich and flavorful, especially with the addition of the big, juicy braised pork belly. Compared to other ramen soups, it has an extra taste of home-style braised pork. The owner also occasionally asks if the soup is salty enough or if the taste is strong enough. Personally, I think the soup is just right because if it’s too salty, it wouldn’t be pleasant to eat.
Now, let’s talk about the owner’s dark dish: the “Blue Ramen”! Without pictures, many customers are hesitant to try it just by hearing the name. But as an adventurous foodie, this “Blue Ramen” is definitely my first choice. It sounds like a dish made with dark magic and, in reality, it even changes colors!
The “Blue Ramen” is actually the Shio Tsui Ji Ramen. If you just look at the name, you wouldn’t know it’s blue ramen. I have to say that the owner’s naming is really subtle.
Let me start by describing the taste of the blue broth. If you close your eyes and taste it, it’s just a simple and savory chicken soup. You wouldn’t be able to tell that there’s a magical ingredient in it. The owner can also adjust the saltiness and flavor of the broth according to your preference.
As for the chicken, the owner processes it in advance, marinates and seasons it, and then fries it. I’ve had the dish twice, and each time the chicken part was different. Personally, I prefer the chicken leg as it’s more tender. The egg next to it is not a braised egg, but rather a soft-boiled egg. I accidentally called it a braised egg once, and the owner scolded me, emphasizing that it’s a soft-boiled egg. It just shows how particular the owner is about his dishes.
At the end of the meal, the soup and noodles turn from the magical blue color to a beautiful purple color due to the acidity of the lemon. It’s truly a magical ramen dish!
Now, let’s talk about the basic curry rice and other side dishes. The curry rice is one of my top favorites. The rich and intense curry flavor captured my taste buds. The curry alone is already flavorful, and it pairs perfectly with white rice. The curry has only a few ingredients, such as carrots and potatoes, but the flavor is so rich and intense. It has a sweet flavor and isn’t spicy, making it suitable for children to eat.
Next are the pork cutlet curry rice and chicken katsu curry rice. The boss is very direct and places the freshly fried pork cutlet on top of the white rice, covering almost the entire bowl with a large piece of pork cutlet that has a crispy outer layer and a perfectly golden-brown color.
Next up is the chicken katsu curry rice, and compared to the pork cutlet, I personally prefer their chicken katsu. The first bite was so hot and juicy, and the boss takes great care in marinating the chicken before frying it. The chicken is tender and flavorful, and the taste is not dry at all. I am quite impressed with it.
但是老闆知道我的食量,我絕對會是另外多加料的那一位客人.每次看我吃完後,還問我吃飽了沒,深怕我餓著出去這間店 哈
Since the boss told me that the pork cutlet and chicken pieces are added on top of the curry rice, they must also be available for separate purchase. If you are not full, you can choose some additional side dishes to eat. However, the portions at their restaurant are generally large, so it is recommended to finish the main course first before adding additional side dishes, as many customers are already satisfied with just one bowl.
But the boss knows my appetite, I will definitely be the customer who adds extra ingredients. Every time he sees me finish eating, he even asks if I’m full, afraid that I’ll leave the restaurant hungry.
Ramen Sina 西娜 總結
Ramen Sina 西娜拉麵專賣店位在柬埔寨金邊市區,沒有太多華麗的裝潢,沒有太多的餐點選項,正因為這樣的因素,才能讓老闆好好專心在料理上,獨特的藍色拉麵、份量十足的餐點,都是這間店的主打特色,每一道菜,都能感受到老闆對於味道的堅持,也正是那麼一間小而獨特的拉麵專賣店,在柬埔寨金邊的餐飲市場中,有著不一樣的特色出來
Ramen Sina, located in the city center of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, is a simple and unadorned ramen shop with a limited menu. However, this allows the owner to focus on creating unique dishes such as the blue-colored ramen and generously portioned meals. Each dish reflects the owner’s dedication to flavor, making this small and distinctive ramen shop stand out in Phnom Penh’s dining scene.
Ramen Sina 西娜 基本資訊
Google Map: Ramen Sina 西娜
facebook : Ramen Sina
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